Monday, July 26, 2010

Thing 11

1. My plan of attack for the upcoming school year starts tomorrow. I am going to work on my wiki and begin embedding slideshows that I have created and could not successfully post earlier in the school year. I will also work on my Google Docs spreadsheets to create some fun activities for my students that they will be able to access from home.

2.Well I will definitely by using my Delicious account. I hope to get to my school computer within the next few weeks to get my bookmarked addresses saved onto my Delicious account. This will be so useful and I always enjoy finding new material to use in my lessons or tweak my old ones. I will also be using my Google Docs for making surveys and spreadsheets that I hope to make accessible to my students and parents through my class wiki.

3. The neat thing about sharing this information with my coworkers is that a few of them have already taken this class and I can get with them via the internet or talking about what they found useful and any interesting information they found while they took the class. I can also share this information with everyone online and they can also share theirs with me...that what makes the web so fun.

4. What are the up-and-coming programs that are recently coming out that I obviously don't know about. I will now have to pay more attention to the new technology they put out there for teachers. I DO NOT want to become or be considered as one of those teachers who is not technology friendly!

5. To stay connected I can keep track of teacher technology blogs that will help me stay in tune with the rest of the teacher technology world. I can also stay connected by communicated and collaborating with other teachers (in my building and all over). And the last thing I can do to stay connected is keep taking classes like this one that can help me make my classroom into a technology welcome environment that I and the students will enjoy for many years to come!!! :)
I want to be the very best teacher I can I must continually update myself and my teaching tools!!!

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