Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thing 2 (Winter Session 2011)

Thing 2 Questions:
Have you blogged before?
Have you read blogs before?
How does it feel to share your thoughts so publicly?
What are your fears or concerns about blogging?

Thing 2 Answers:

I have blogged you can see from my previous posts when I took this class in the summer. Sadly I did not finish.....but I WILL NOW!!!

Yes, I do read a blog. It belongs to my sister-in-law who is a photographer in Austin, Texas. She loves to blog and does it like 3-4 times a week. I usually read it to keep up to date with how they are doing.

Well here I am again, and I must admit that I am still not comfortable blogging. Why you may ask, well it's because this information will be out there for all the world to see and I still feel as if I have nothing to say of interest to people and I am afraid that the wrong thing could be said and then it will be there forever out in web, like those accounts we create and then abandon.

I guess overall I am still not quite unsure about the blogging. I mean I have seen so many of my friends take this to a new level. Most people share there life and I guess I just don't want to share my life with the www (world wide web). Maybe I am a more personal person. I guess what I am trying to say is that I see to many people make silly mistakes posting inappropriate stuff on the web. Once you get too comfortable you can become careless. I guess I worry to much.

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