Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thing 11 (Winter Session 2011)

THING 11: Answer these questions on your blog

What is your "plan of attack" for the next school year?
How will you use what you've learned personally, professionally,
and pedagogically??
How will you share what you've learned with the other teachers
in your district?
What do you still want to learn about teaching and learning in
the 21st century and Web 2.0, and how will you acquire that knowledge?
How can we best stay connected as a "PLN" or how can you create a
PLN with your colleagues back at your building?

Remember to please take time to synthesize, reflect, discuss and process the many applications you used during this class. Think about where you've been, where you are, and where you're going with technology. Re-read your earlier blog posts and those of your colleagues.

Response: Well my plan of attack is to next year use more technology within my classroom. That was already a personal goal for me, even before you asked us. I enjoy using technology and I know that my students do too. So I am enrolling in other PD classes this summer to get me ready for the upcoming school year. I am also getting a new SMART board in my room, and I MOST DEFIANTLY want to use that! Obviously I am very excited!!!! Besides the students and I will have fun using it together...I wish they would of had those when I was a student in elementary or high school.

Well I plan on using Google Docs more often, and besides that awesome survey I created may actually be going out to my parents for next year. Hey, it saves the tress and I am a green kind of teacher! I would also like to get into the habit of using Delicious more often. I know that I will have to mess around with it, and it may take me a week or two before I am comfortable, but it is a good concept. After that I plan on trying to get the other lower ele. teachers to use it.

As for sharing what I have learned, well I guess I should lead by example and put my best foot forward. I have talked about using more technology in my lessons and teaching and I plan on sticking to that idea. I can do it, it will be difficult (at first), but once I get the hang of it things should be good! Besides if others come into my room and see me doing it, they will feel the need or drive to do it also.

I would still like to learn about how other lower elementary teachers apply all these really cool ideas in their classroom. I would just love to go observe someone for a day, because I know that I learn from seeing others do something. If you know of anyone who wouldn't mind me coming in to observe their tech savvy class, comment and I will get back with you asap!!!! -Thanks :)

Well I feel that leading by example is important, so if I commit, then I can get another to as well. The best thing for me to do may be too get our lower ele. then once we are all on the wagon we can get the upper ele. teachers to join in. Then hey if that goes well maybe we can get all the other Catholic schools in the area to join.

Well wish me luck!!! ;)

1 comment:

  1. MOST DEFIANTLY... was that a Freudian slip! :)
    When you teach lower elementary gradesit's definitely not as easy to use these "things" with younger students. That's where the "personal" and "professional" mantra best applies. And, as you've pointed out, leading by example, or even being the "cheerleader" is probably more important than having your students use the things.
