Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thing 7 (Winter Session 2011)

COMPOSE a blog post (title it THING 7) that includes your reflections on social bookmarking.

Response: Well lets just say that I love this idea of social bookmarking. I get frustrated sometimes at school when I am trying to remember one of my bookmarks from my home computer and I come up blank. With Delicious that is no longer a problem. I love the idea that I can be at another computer anywhere and pull up the addresses of those websites that I use often for school, or home. It is nice to not constantly have to sit at one computer and do EVERYTHING...change of background.

Another I idea that I really like that goes along with Delicious is that I can take a look at what other 1st Grade teachers look up for their classroom. This is a valuable tool.....epically if you come from a district that is huge and there are many of the same grade teachers.

I just can't wait to dive into this and start tagging more!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Tagging is my favorite part of Delicious. I can think of as many descriptors (tags) as I want. Anything that will help me remember what the site is about some time in the future. I also like (but don't always take the time) to add a description about the website, not just for MY benefit, but for anyone else who happens across my bookmarks. It can be a real time saver.
