Monday, July 26, 2010

Thing 9

This is a slideshow that I picked up for my 1st graders. It is a Jeopardy game based on animals...they would love it!!!

1st Grade Animals Jeopardy 1
View more presentations from Kim Weaver.

I could really use this in my class wiki. I have a couple of powerpoints that I had difficulty loading to my wiki, but because of slideshare I thing that I may be able to figure it out. I make powerpoints often and I could also create them as a study tool for my students and their parents at home. They could access the class wiki and go over the material. Now I just have to mess with it to work out the kinks. Like any new toy...the first time you use it, it can be confusing.

I could also speak with the computer teacher and possibly have them get into groups and create a pp, and then share them as a group with the class and post them on my wiki...just a thought.

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