Monday, July 26, 2010

Thing 11

1. My plan of attack for the upcoming school year starts tomorrow. I am going to work on my wiki and begin embedding slideshows that I have created and could not successfully post earlier in the school year. I will also work on my Google Docs spreadsheets to create some fun activities for my students that they will be able to access from home.

2.Well I will definitely by using my Delicious account. I hope to get to my school computer within the next few weeks to get my bookmarked addresses saved onto my Delicious account. This will be so useful and I always enjoy finding new material to use in my lessons or tweak my old ones. I will also be using my Google Docs for making surveys and spreadsheets that I hope to make accessible to my students and parents through my class wiki.

3. The neat thing about sharing this information with my coworkers is that a few of them have already taken this class and I can get with them via the internet or talking about what they found useful and any interesting information they found while they took the class. I can also share this information with everyone online and they can also share theirs with me...that what makes the web so fun.

4. What are the up-and-coming programs that are recently coming out that I obviously don't know about. I will now have to pay more attention to the new technology they put out there for teachers. I DO NOT want to become or be considered as one of those teachers who is not technology friendly!

5. To stay connected I can keep track of teacher technology blogs that will help me stay in tune with the rest of the teacher technology world. I can also stay connected by communicated and collaborating with other teachers (in my building and all over). And the last thing I can do to stay connected is keep taking classes like this one that can help me make my classroom into a technology welcome environment that I and the students will enjoy for many years to come!!! :)
I want to be the very best teacher I can I must continually update myself and my teaching tools!!!

Thing 10

Have fun with my favorites survey!!!

Thing 9

This is a slideshow that I picked up for my 1st graders. It is a Jeopardy game based on animals...they would love it!!!

1st Grade Animals Jeopardy 1
View more presentations from Kim Weaver.

I could really use this in my class wiki. I have a couple of powerpoints that I had difficulty loading to my wiki, but because of slideshare I thing that I may be able to figure it out. I make powerpoints often and I could also create them as a study tool for my students and their parents at home. They could access the class wiki and go over the material. Now I just have to mess with it to work out the kinks. Like any new toy...the first time you use it, it can be confusing.

I could also speak with the computer teacher and possibly have them get into groups and create a pp, and then share them as a group with the class and post them on my wiki...just a thought.

Thing 8 I just completed the Google Doc "thing" and well I believe I did it??? I am still a little fuzzy on the the program. Every time I am on my main page I try to click on it and see the image that goes to the surveyors, but I always get the spread sheet. What am I doing wrong???

I do like the program, and I am going to attempt to use it multiple times throughout the year on my class wiki. The survey I created dealt with simple questions/get to know questions for first graders (example: What is your favorite animal? & What do you want to learn about in first grade?) I am excited to use this tool because it will allow me to create assignments for my students and they will be able to respond online, instead of using paper. This allows me to be Earth friendly....I am a tree hugger :) So not only am I being kind to our plant, but I am creating a fun lesson for my students that is so Web 2.0!!!

My only problem is that I will need to mess with the Google Docs page more so that I become very familiar with my home page. Wish me luck!!! :)

Thing 7

I am really excited about this delicious tool!!! It is so cool!!! What I love about it is that instead of trying to remember what websites I visit the most for school all I have to do plug the addresses into this tool....and POOF!!!! They are saved for me to visit at from ANY computer...not a specific one!!! I love is a updated bookmark!

The only thing is that most of my favorite education addresses are saved on my computer at school. So I guess I will be going to visit my school computer and add all my address for teaching on my delicious account!!! NO MORE PAPER!!! :)

This will be so helpful for me and lots of other teachers. I wonder what interesting sites other 1st grade teachers tend to visit??? This I do believe is one of the most useful things I got out of this class!!! I am also wondering what my fellow coworkers tag...just like at lunch when we collaborate we can also collaborate this way!!! Not only will I be able to see my coworkers sites, but other teachers in 1st grade! How cool! :)


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thing 4

I agree with you JP aka Mr. Lieto. I also did enjoy scrolling through the kid-versioned slide shows. It definitely make the information more enjoyable to take in and easy to reflect upon. In other words it made learning about Web 2.0 enjoyable! Now I know some of the greater aspects of Web 2.0 and I found it rather interesting!!! Now applying it will be the fun part ;)

I also agree with you JP aka Mr. Lieto on the idea of I would also like to think that using this in the classroom would make learning fun and a blast for the students. However, the sticky part is that not all schools have the ability to make this a serious part of each school day. Besides like Mr. Lieto said, not all students have computer and internet access at their own homes. That does present a problem. These are WONDERFUL and AWESOME ideas that we teachers get from others and the web, but we just have to figure out how to make it relevant within the walls of our own classroom. It would be great and rewarding to see our students sharing ideas and connecting with other students.

As to the slide show about colleges connecting and sharing ideas virtually I do think it could be possible for us teachers at our school to do this. I think that, like at lunch time, this would be a great opportunity for us to "bounce" idea off each other and it would definitely make communication a lot better. We teachers need to also share our ideas and connect with each other. In the long run it will benefit us and our students.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thing 3

So I have just completed watching the videos and I started the power points/sideshows, and as I was sitting here going through the slides I noticed that I myself was getting irradiated with the amount of time it was taking me to go through the information. It was way to slow!!!! So I began clicking and moving through the slides at a faster pace....go figure. We live in a world that is instantaneous.

As I look back and as I think about it, I remember when my elementary school (the school I now teach at) got computers, I was in middle school at the time if I remember correctly. And all we ever did on them was practice our typing skills. And now our students need to know more than we ever had to at an even younger age. Students are being taught more complex concepts at a younger age.
We require them to know a lot more than we ever did when we were that age. I can't begin to imagine what will be expected from our students years from now.

Schools are changing, but they change and evolve slowly. In the TIME article about "How to Bring Schools Out of the 20th Century" this part really stuck with me:

Rip Van Winkle awakens in the 21st century after a hundred-year snooze and is, of course, utterly bewildered by what he sees. Men and women dash about, talking to small metal devices pinned to their ears. Young people sit at home on sofas, moving miniature athletes around on electronic screens. Older folk defy death and disability with metronomes in their chests and with hips made of metal and plastic. Airports, hospitals, shopping malls--every place Rip goes just baffles him. But when he finally walks into a schoolroom, the old man knows exactly where he is. "This is a school," he declares. "We used to have these back in 1906. Only now the blackboards are green."

It is amazing to see how things change, and it is truly mind-boggling to imagine where things will end up. However, some things change, but somethings just stay the same.

Change is good!!!

Thing 2

Well...I guess I am to comment on what I just read and here it goes. I read the Liz Davis blog about "10 Tips for Beginning Bloggers" and well I am MOST DEFIANTLY a beginning blogger. This is different for me and I guess I will just have to get used to it.

In response to what Liz said what beginning bloggers should do, I like the ideas that she had, but my thought is would there really be anyone interested in what I am writing? I could not imagine having followers who would be interested with what I am blogging about. I would like to think that maybe I do have interesting things to say and that there are people out there following and then I could use all the cool tools. My sister in-law does blog but she is interesting and she is a photographer and does it to help her company. Check her out...she is really good!!!

I guess one day if I do get sucked into this world of blogging I may actually find interesting things to write about and may compose a couple of weekly posts. I sure hope I get the hang of this and over my, I guess you could say timidness. As I like to remember, the first few steps are the most difficult!